Create reusable templates in ZOOMstudio for your sales teams and distributors to customize and use as their own.
Create flyer templates within ZOOMstudio and add them to a template library for visitors to copy and customize as their own. You will be able to add categories to classify your templates under, as well as tags within those categories. Once activated, all visitors will have access to your live templates. Categories and tags make it easier for visitors to browse your available templates.
Getting Started
Before setting up your ZOOMstudio, decide how you want to organize your
template library for visitors. You can sort your templates into categories,
and further into “tags” in each of those categories.

Once you have planned how you will organize your templates, follow
these instructions to get set up. Once you have everything set up, please
contact us so we can activate the template library for visitors to access.
Instructions to get set up
Visit your ZOOMstudio and login as the admin:
In the menu click Studio Dashboard

3. Go to “Templates”

4. Click “Add new section” and name your section (ie. Brands, Gender,Season, Backgrounds, etc.). Hit “enter”

5. Add your section tags. For example, if you added the section “gender”,add the tags “mens”, “womens”, “youth”. You can add as many sections and tags as you like. You will then assign flyers to sections and apply the appropriate “tags”.

To follow the next steps, make sure you have set up flyers to add to your template library. Here is how:

Read our guide on creating your first flyer here
6. Go to “My Flyers” (you will be there by default) and hover your mouse over the flyer you want to add to the library. Click “Details”.

7. Go to the “Add to Templates” tab and change the “not available”toggle to “available”. Also select which sections/tags apply to the flyer.

8. TIP: On this page you can also get the direct link to your template touse in email blasts, social posts, etc. to encourage people to edit it.