What are Cookies?

The cookies that are part of the ZOOMcatalog product and what they do.

ZOOMcatalog product store cookies. These cookies are used in different ways and are broken down into several categories.


Essential - These are cookies used to perform essential functions for the ZOOMcatalog tools.


Personalization - These cookies help personalize and improve your experience.


Analytics - These cookies are used to provide analytical information about our products. These help us understand how people are using our tools and make improvements.


Marketing - These are 3rd party cookies used by marketing tools we use.


Cookie name



geo_country_name, geo_country_code, search_version, hint_search, pricing_flag


Used to show you relevant content.

_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmt, _utmz, _ga, _gid


Used by Google analytics.

ajs_user_id, ajs_anonymous_id


Used by Segment to identify visitors.



Used by Facebook Pixel.